Czar Wine

Considered as a unique non-fortified wine in the world Czar is produced in centenary vines of Lajido da Criação Velha, a place classified as UNESCO World Heritage. The wine represents the legendary wine from the island of Pico, which was exported to all corners of the world, including the tables of Russian Tsars, Kings, Emperors and Popes.
It’s a totally natural wine without any added sugars or alcohol made from partially dried grapes.
Czar had barely any presence in the digital world. Being a known product amongst wine collectors from Portugal, Russia and USA and having been referred all over the press the owner felt it could reach more buyers as well as give the product the presence it deserves and asks for.
The experience was divided into two separate parts: Mobile and Desktop.
The Mobile experience is much simpler and straightforward, as the eCommerce target we identified for this product would reach the website by phone most of the times.
The Desktop experience is a much more complex and dynamic one. It’s more storytelling based and it shows more of the concept, less of the commerce side of it.
To pass the idea of class and luxury was, obviously, the main focus.